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Volunteer Waiver

All volunteers must read, understand, and sign the Volunteer Waiver in order to participate. Thank you!

Volunteer Waiver Form


In signing the event waiver form, I acknowledge that there are risks and hazards associated with volunteering with the Sterling Foundation (Foundation), and I agree to assume all such risks and the possibility of hazards to me, my child (children), supervised minors in my group, and all real or personal property, and do not hold the Foundation, property owners, Site Captain, Sterling Foundation, or associated organizing group responsible. I understand that participation in Sterling Foundation activities is entirely voluntary. I understand that Foundation events involve physical activity, including bending, lifting, and digging. I know and understand the risks and dangers involved in the above named activities and I know and understand that unanticipated dangers may arise.

I hereby assume all responsibility and risk, and agree to release, and waive all claims, causes of action, judgments, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs, in connection with injuries or damage to persons or property sustained or incurred in connection with or as a result of my participation in this event or any related activities sponsored or held by the Sterling Foundation and its activity partners, and hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Sterling Foundation and its activity partners, its officers, volunteers, directors, members, staff, and any others acting on behalf of the Sterling Foundation, harmless in connection with any and all of the foregoing.

In addition, I consent to the use by the Sterling Foundation, and their affiliates, of my and/or my children’s or supervised minors in my group, name, photo, likeness, or film, videotape, and/or sound recording of me and/or my children or supervised minors in my group (collectively, hereinafter referred to as the “Information”), to promote or publicize the Sterling Foundation and its partner activities, both internally and externally, in any media whether now known or hereafter devised. I expressly disclaim all rights to all values and benefits Sterling Foundation and its partners may gain through the use of the Information. I give permission for photos of myself and/or children, or supervised minors in my group, taken during this event to be used for future Foundation and partner promotion or reporting.

I recognize that by signing the waiver I am waiving certain rights, including the right to sue.

My sign up via, including provision of my contact email for any Sterling Foundation Volunteer Event listed through, indicates acceptance of all the above waiver text located online for reference at


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