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Steering Foundation, LIRA, and Blue Ridge Prism

Sterling Foundation

Aug 30, 2024

Sterling Foundation Initial Site Visit Report

As part of our collaboration with the Loudoun Invasive Removal Alliance (LIRA), last week, Sterling Foundation Board members Jack and John joined Natalie, a naturalist from Blue Ridge Prism, for an invasive plant assessment in our area. Together, they conducted a walkthrough of key locations, including the Butterfly Garden, the south Sterling Park Welcome sign, the overgrown area between Davis Drive and Glen Drive, and the garden area across from Safeway.

While the Linek garden area had minimal invasive species, the other sites had significant issues. Natalie provided a comprehensive report, which has been shared with the board, including geo-tagged photos and recommendations for removal. Her guidance included methods for removal, such as the use of pesticides or removing the tap root, and she highlighted resources like a tap root puller, especially for honeysuckle. Additionally, the Board of Supervisors approved a pilot program on September 5 to support these efforts.

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